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The Standard Bank Sikuvile Awards encourage and recognise excellent journalistic work. Over the years, the Standard Bank Sikuvile Awards have become one of the key highlights in journalism awards.

The awards see the best of the best across various journalistic platforms being benchmarked against their peers by a panel of top quality and highly credible judges. Previously called the Mondi Shanduka Newspaper Awards (MSNA), in recent years the awards have been known as the Standard Bank Sikuvile Journalism Awards. Standard Bank has now contracted the South African National Editors’ Forum (SANEF) to oversee the organisation of the awards. SANEF is the most influential media freedom advocacy grouping in South Africa. SANEF members are veteran founding editors, current title editors, senior editors and journalists working in print, broadcasting, and digital mainstream at national, regional and community media levels. It also serves media trainers and academics from major journalism departments and training institutions across the country.

SANEF’s vision is to promote quality and ethical journalism across all media platforms, while reflecting SA’s diversity, and to champion freedom of expression. The awards are planned to be the national flagship of ethical and credible journalism awards across the media platforms which is Print, Digital, Radio and TV.

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