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How SANEF Council Structure Works

The South African National Editors’ Forum (SANEF) is a non-profit organization composed of editors, senior journalists, and journalism trainers from across the South African media landscape. Our mission is to uphold South Africa’s hard-won freedom of expression and promote quality, ethics, and diversity within the media.

Our Commitment:

  • Championing media freedom
  • Advocating for quality journalism
  • Upholding ethical standards
  • Encouraging media diversity
  • Offering education and training program
  • SANEF’s elective AGM, held biennially, elects a council of 15 to 25 members, including at least three individuals who are not related as defined by the Income Tax Act, 1962. The most recent AGM was in 2022, with the next scheduled for July 20, 2024, followed by another in 2026.

Management Committee



Nwabisa Makunga

Deputy Chairperson

Deputy Chairperson

Tshamano Makhadi

Secretary General

Secretary General

Dr Glenda Daniels

Treasurer General

Treasurer General

Sbu Ngalwa

Media Freedom Chairperson

Media Freedom Chairperson

Makhudu Sefara

Safety And Wellness Chairperson

Safety And Wellness Chairperson

Katy Katopodis

Regional Conveners



Dianne Hawker

Kwa-Zulu Natal

Kwa-Zulu Natal

Judy Sandison

Eastern Cape

Eastern Cape

Rochelle De Kock

Western Cape

Western Cape

Dr Sisanda Nkoala




Heather Robertson

Kwa-Zulu Natal

Kwa-Zulu Natal

Slindile Khanyile

Eastern Cape

Eastern Cape

Jude Mathurine

Western Cape

Western Cape

Dr Marenet Jordaan

Sub-Committee Members

Community Media Chairperson

Community Media Chairperson

Dunisani Ntsanwisi

Diversity & Ethics Chairperson

Diversity & Ethics Chairperson

Asanda Ngoasheng

Education & Training Chairperson

Education & Training Chairperson

Phathiswa Magopeni

Safety & Wellness Chairperson

Safety & Wellness Chairperson

Katy Katopodis

Access to Information & Media Policy Chairperson

Access to Information & Media Policy Chairperson

Izak Minnaar

Media Freedom Chairperson

Media Freedom Chairperson

Makhudu Sefara

Additional Council Members

Deputy Chairperson of the Press Council of South Africa

Deputy Chairperson of the Press Council of South Africa

Amina Frense

National Radio Current Affairs Editor at SABC

National Radio Current Affairs Editor at SABC

Angie Kapelianis



Reg Rumney

Assistant Editor at News24

Assistant Editor at News24

Nicki Gules


Qaanitah Hunter

CIO: Expose Digi Content & Training Hub

CIO: Expose Digi Content & Training Hub

Malebo Phage