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The South African National Editors Forum (SANEF) sees the proliferation of misinformation and disinformation as dangerous to the health of our constitutional democracy.

SANEF will actively get involved, by further collaborating with partner organisations, as it endeavours to continue fighting misinformation and disinformation. In this digital age, SANEF has observed the rapid use and manipulation of social media platforms by those that seek to spread mis- and disinformation, a development we should all condemn. We are driven to guarantee that legitimate media in SA will not be discredited. Disinformation is dangerous – there is an intention to mislead and cause public harm. SANEF continues to work closely with Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) to counter “misinformation” and “disinformation”. The two organisations have continued to work closely, such as in the 2024 elections, where possible strategies and approaches were shared.

Recent Updates on Disinformation