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SANEF is a non-profit organisation whose members are editors, senior journalists and journalism trainers from all areas of the South African media.

We are committed to championing South Africa’s hard-won freedom of expression and promoting quality, ethics and diversity in the South African media. SANEF promotes excellence in journalism through fighting for media freedom, writing policy submissions, research, education and training programmes.

The SANEF Team

Executive Director

Reggy Moalusi

Executive Director
Project / Administration Manager

Hopewell Radebe

Project / Administration Manager

Dzudzie Faith


SANEF’s Key tenants

We are committed to championing South Africa’s hard-won freedom of expression and promoting quality, ethics and diversity in the South African media.


SANEF’s key endeavours are the work of addressing racial and gender diversity in the media so that it more accurately reflects South Africa’s demographics.



To promote the quality and ethics of journalism, to reflect the diversity of South Africa, and to champion media freedom.


To be a resource and catalyst for achievement of its vision through debate and action programmes.


Our values are integrity, tolerance, accountability and the public interest.

  • SANEF’s chief aim is to be a representative and credible voice of journalism in society, to facilitate diversity in newsrooms and reporting, enable a culture of real debate and promote free and independent journalism of the highest standard. In addition, SANEF defends media freedom.

    We campaign for the elimination of legislation and commercial pressures that restrict media while also supporting the establishment of editors’ forums in the region and the continent.


  • We are a non-profit organisation whose members are editors, senior journalists and journalism trainers and academics from all areas of the South African media. SANEF was launched in 1996 and was registered with the Directorate of Non-profits, number 046 338 NPO on 8 November 2005.