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The Constitution of the South African National Editors’ Forum.

  • 1.1 South Africa’s senior print, magazine, broadcast and online media journalists responsible for editorial decisions as well as media educators, have formed an association to be known as the South African National Editors’ Forum (“the Forum”) and this association and the members thereof commit themselves to a programme of action to defend and promote media freedom and independence. This document comprises the constitution of the Forum.

    1.2 The Forum is founded on the belief and understanding that:
    1.2.1 Public and media scrutiny of the exercise of political and economic power is essential;
    1.2.2 Laws relating to the operation of media should be consistent with South Africa’s Bill of Rights in its protection of freedom of expression;
    1.2.3 Journalists and media owners have a duty to work to the highest professional standards and ethics;
    1.2.4 Journalists and media educators embrace a learning culture by committing themselves to ongoing education and training.

This Constitution was amended following recommendations of the special ad hoc committee at the AGM on 22 August 2020 in Johannesburg.

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We are committed to championing South Africa’s hard-won freedom of expression and promoting quality, ethics and diversity in the South African media.

Signed SANEF Constitution August 2020