2nd Floor, 20 Baker Street, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2169

Sanef release on Swaziland judgment

The South African National Editors’ Forum (SANEF) objects strongly to the sentencing in Swaziland of journalist Bheki Makhubu and attorney Thulani Maseko today.

They were sentenced to two years’ imprisonment without the option of a fine after being found guilty of “scandalising the judiciary”. The case arose from articles written by the two about the arrest of a government veiled inspector who had stopped a car driven by a chauffeur of a judge without proper authorisation.

This is a massive blow to freedom of expression in Swaziland and will have a chilling impact on the work of journalists in that country.

SANEF this week sought audience with Swaziland’s High Commissioner in South Africa to convey our shock and outrage about today’s ruling