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Sanef statement on the death of Nadine Gordimer

Sanef Media Statement : July 15 2014

Sanef statement on the death of Nadine Gordimer

The South African National Editors Forum (Sanef) mourns the passing of writer and freedom of expression activist Nadine Gordimer. Gordimer had been an established writer and part of the fabric of South Africa’s knowledge production industry.

Fearless and uncompromising in her stand for justice, equality and freedom for all, she saw her works banned as she challenged and straddled the great racial divide of the old South Africa. She was instrumental in helping journalist Nat Nakasa establish his Classic literary magazine and was on hand to see him off as he left on an exit permit which saw him dying in New York on July 14, 1965, almost 49 years to the day when she followed him.

Hers was a voice that could be relied on to cut through the clutter of official bluster in her never ending struggle for free media and freedom of expression. At 90, Gordimer has served her cause and deserves the rest due to the best amongst us.