Call for entries for the 2022 Nat Nakasa Awards

Deadline: 31 July 2022
The South African National Editor’s Forum is now accepting nominations for courageous journalism of the stories published in print or online or broadcast between June 2021 – June 2022:

1 – Nat Nakasa Award for Media Integrity.

2 – Nat Nakasa Award for Community Media

Nat Nakasa was a prominent journalist and writer who died in exile. This annual award recognises any media practitioner – journalist or editor – who has:

* Shown integrity and reported fearlessly;
* Displayed a commitment to serve the people of South Africa despite insurmountable obstacles;
* Resisted any censorship;
* Shown courage in making information available to the SA public;
* Any combination of the above.

Please submit your nomination by close of business on Sunday 31 July 2022, accompanied by a motivation of 300 words to:

[email protected] or [email protected]

For Attention: Ms Dzudzie Netshisaulu

The Award is open to all journalists serving all media platforms from a community / national newspaper, magazine or an electronic medium (including online publishers).

Previous winners of this award are, however, not eligible for entry.

The winner will receive R20 000 in prize money and a certificate.

The winner will be announced at the Nat Nakasa Awards ceremony on 17 September 2022 in Durban.

These awards are sponsored by Sanlam.


Twitter: @SAEditorsForum

Email: [email protected]

Website: SANEF