Vacancies : Press Council of South Africa

The Press Council of South Africa invites applications or nominations for  PUBLIC REPRESENTATIVES for current and future vacancies on the council and panel adjudicators

Applicants must be citizens of and permanently resident in South Africa, be at least 21 years old, and committed to the values underpinning the South African Constitution, as well as the Code of Ethics and Conduct for South African print and online media.

Any person who has a financial interest in the media, occupies a seat in a local, provincial or national legislative body, or is an office-bearer of a political party or movement, or is in the employ of the public service, is not eligible. A nomination must be accompanied by a letter from the nominee accepting the nomination.

Please see the link for more details:  Press Council _ Public Representative 


The Press Council also invites applications for the PUBLIC ADVOCATE VACANCY

The applicant is required to have in-depth knowledge of the role of the media in a democratic society in general, and of the Press Code.  She/he will be impartial and fair and must have strong communication, facilitation and mediation skills.

Please see the link for more details:   Press Council _ Public Advocate