2nd Floor, 20 Baker Street, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2169


3 (2)

15 February 2023


The South African National Editors’ Forum (SANEF) hereby invites event management companies and individuals to bid to manage the Standard Bank Sikuvile Journalism Awards processes up to the awards gala event on Saturday 24th June 2023. This would be SANEF’s second year of managing the awards since they were established and staged in 2012.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: close of business, Tuesday 28 February 2023


SANEF is the most influential media freedom advocacy grouping in South Africa. Our members are veteran founding editors, current title editors, senior editors and journalists working in print, broadcasting, and digital mainstream at national, regional and community media levels. It also serves media trainers and academics from major journalism departments and training institutions across the country.

SANEF’s vision is to promote quality and ethical journalism across all media platforms, while reflecting SA’s diversity, and to champion freedom of expression. The awards are planned to be the national flagship of ethical and credible journalism awards across the media platforms which is Print, Digital, Radio and TV.

The awards see the best of the best across various journalistic platforms being benchmarked against their peers by a panel of top quality and highly reputable and credible judges.

Over the years, the Standard Bank Sikuvile Awards have become one of the key highlights in journalism awards that encourages and recognises excellent journalistic work in the country.

Previously called the Mondi Shanduka Newspaper Awards (MSNA), in recent years the awards have become known as the Standard Bank Sikuvile Journalism Awards. The awards sponsor Standard Bank has contracted SANEF to oversee the organisation of the awards for the second year in the row.

The Awards event will be attended by SANEF leadership and members, Standard Bank’s executives, senior journalists, editors, publishers, executives from the advertising, PR/marketing, and media agencies as well as clients and service providers to the entire newspaper industry.

Awards and Event Management Services

SANEF is seeking bidders to help it proudly bring the awards by:

  • Management the process and deliver within strict timelines a fair and transparent awards process from the invitation for applications across various categories in February to the closing, the commencement of judging and completion, sourcing of trophies and certificates to the organising and staging of the gala dinner.
  • It also involves the innovative processes of the conceptualisation of a theme, The promotion of the theme and the awards throughout the planned phases to the broader media fraternity without prejudice to any media platform.
  • Bidder must demonstrate capability to use social media and access media platforms for the promotion of the awards process throughout the phases. It should thoroughly promote the event’s pre and post awards with vigor.
  • Be instrumental in the secretariat from ensuring all the entries are sorted, recorded, and ensure they are qualifying, and that information is complete. They should arrange packages for the judges to access information easily and quickly.
  • Work closely with the SANEF office in ensuring the judging process is resourced, efficient and smoothly run.
  • Facilitate the communication with shortlisted candidates. Source trophies and certificates
  • plan to reach wider audience by short video clips, snippets of nominees, finalists, and winners.

Awards Event Management

  • The proposal must carefully and outline how the company/individual would creatively approach the Sikuvile Journalism Award Gala dinner event.
  •  Visibility of Event concept/theme reflecting highlights of SANEF priorities for the year, i.e.: journalism sustainability, Safety and training of journalists
  • Present proposed venues and menus plans for event’s entertainment and decorations,
  • detailed budget and present a marketing strategy to promote and publicise the awards. Details would be available at the SANEF Office.

 Tender documents

Call for Tender Organising STANDARD BANK SIKUVILE JOURNALISM AWARDS and Event management 2023 FNAL

Prospective companies and individuals should submit documents that contain the following:

  • Name of company/individual and contact details including company registration and ID numbers of representatives.
  • Profile and references
  •  Bidders can apply with proposals that detail:
  • all proposed processes/systems for applications to facilitate a fair and transparent adjudication.
  • Facilitate compensation of judges’ stipend and related assistance
  • the format envisaged for the awards event.
  • a timeframe for producing a world-class awards event, amid lingering Covid-19 restrictions.
  • Presents a total cost with budget heads indicated.

Shortlisted bidders will be asked to prepare a presentation to the SANEF tender management team.

Send your proposal in writing to Dzudzie Netshisaulu by email: [email protected]

Note to Editors: The South African National Editors’ Forum (SANEF) is a non-profit organisation whose members are editors, senior journalists, and journalism trainers from all areas of the South African media. We are committed to championing South Africa’s hard-won freedom of expression and promoting quality, ethics, and diversity in the South African media. We promote excellence in journalism through fighting for media freedom, writing policy submissions, research and education and training programmes. SANEF is not a union.

Website: www.sanef.org.za

Twitter: @SAEditorsForum