2nd Floor, 20 Baker Street, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2169


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 The South African National Editors’ Forum, SANEF, notes with concern reports regarding the suspension of two City Press reporters over allegations that they breached editorial ethical codes and the Press Code.

City Press parent company, Media24 CEO Ishmet Davidson confirmed the suspensions and said the company had started a process to establish the veracity of the claims against the reporters. SANEF welcomes this investigation.

Should evidence of these editorial breaches be found, action should be taken without fear or favour. Claims of this nature are potentially damaging not only to affected persons but to the industry as a whole.

For all of us in the media, journalistic integrity is paramount as it sits at the heart of the media’s contribution to building our democracy. Journalists are crusaders for accountability. It therefore follows that they too should be subject to the same accountability that they demand of those who exercise power in society.

Earlier this year, SANEF released a report that looked extensively at ethical breaches in South African newsrooms. The report also made numerous and helpful suggestions on how to curb unethical conduct.

We are encouraged by Davidson’s avowed commitment to ensure a speedy investigation. SANEF further calls on the company to be transparent about the outcome of the investigation, once it is concluded.

Note to Editors:

The South African National Editors’ Forum (SANEF) is a non-profit organisation whose members are editors, senior journalists, and journalism trainers from all areas of the South African media. We are committed to championing South Africa’s hard-won freedom of expression and promoting quality, ethics, and diversity in the South African media. We promote excellence in journalism through fighting for media freedom, writing policy submissions, research and education and training programmes. SANEF is not a union.

For more information please contact:

Sbu Ngalwa – SANEF Chairperson (073) 404-1415

Adriaan Basson – SANEF Deputy Chairperson (082) 562-2113

Monica Laganparsad – Acting Secretary-General (082) 578-6111

Nwabisa Makunga – Treasurer (082) 555-1972

Makhudu Sefara – SANEF Acting Media Freedom Chair (079) 177-2134

Asanda Ngoasheng – Western Cape Convenor – 082 610-9374

Judy Sandison – SANEF KZN Convenor (082) 571-3334

Katy Katopodis – SANEF Gauteng Convenor (082) 805-7022

Chiara Carter – SANEF Eastern Cape Convenor (082) 659-9162

Reggy Moalusi – SANEF Executive Director (071) 682-3695

Twitter: @SAEditorsForum

Email: [email protected] Website: www.sanef.org.za