2nd Floor, 20 Baker Street, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2169


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The South African National Editors’ Forum (SANEF) hereby invites event management companies and individuals to bid to manage the Annual SANEF Fundraiser Gala Dinner event scheduled for 20 October 2023.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: close of business, Friday 17 March 2023


Event Management Tender for:


The South African National Editors’ Forum (SANEF) is the most influential media freedom advocacy grouping in South Africa. It consists of editors and senior journalists operating in print, broadcasting, and digital mainstream at national, regional and community media levels. It also serves media trainers and academics from major journalism departments and training institutes in the country.

Since 2016, SANEF decided to hold an annual fundraising gala dinner to commemorate Black Wednesday and for the purpose of mobilising financial resources for SANEF’s media legal defence fund. SANEF commemorates Black Wednesday to emphasise the importance of media freedom and reflect on the fateful day of 19 October 1977 when the apartheid state banned several newspapers accused of being aligned with the black consciousness movement and ideology.

This year’s Gala Dinner is scheduled for 20 October 2023 in Johannesburg. A prominent South African or international speaker will be invited to address the event.

SANEF’s vision is to promote the quality and ethics of journalism, to reflect the diversity of South Africa, and to champion freedom of expression.

Annual Fundraiser Gala Dinner: 20 October 2023

Different categories of sponsors need to be secured. The event company will be paid a commission of 10% on all new funding it has raised, noting that SANEF members are also encouraged to separately solicit funding for the organisation.

We would like bid companies to present plans: –

  • Outlining the innovative theme for the gala dinner
  • Proposed venue with creative plans to make the experience of attendees exciting and memorable.
  • A strategy to use the evening to promote SANEF’s work and achievements.
  • A physical gala dinner event for 200 representatives of sponsors, donors, and media freedom partners.
  • Demonstrate the ability to promote the event and highlight its purpose and impact on the development and protection of media freedom via social media, and other media platforms, including the build-up towards the event.
  • Demonstrate the knowledge and capacity to approach reputable pro-media freedom companies and institutions to solicit funding support for SANEF’s work.
  • Demonstrate innovation and creativity to accommodate potential contributions and support for SANEF’s fundraiser efforts from SMEs.

Submitting a tender for the event

The tender documentation must contain the following and bidders will be scored accordingly:

  1. Name of bidder and contact details.
  2. Company registration details, company profile and diversity information.
  3. Information on the bidder’s experience and ability to fundraise, and capacity to organise such a high-profile event within a reasonable budget – please provide examples and information of journalism or other media related fundraising events organised in the recent past, including contact details for reference purposes.
  1. Names and ID numbers of project team leaders, and their relevant experience in running such events.
  1. The bidder must outline how they would approach the fundraising event by providing concrete proposals on the following:
    • Fundraising event concept, also demonstrating how the Black Wednesday event will promote SANEF programmes, norms and standards.
    • Fundraising strategy – please list potential funders to be approached to support the cause, and provide an achievable goal of an amount to be raised.
    • Publicity, marketing and communications plan to stimulate interest in the fundraising event, including pre- and post-event communication with guests and funders.
    • Theme, entertainment and decorations.
    • Proposed venues and menus appropriate for the stature of the event.
    • An itemised budget covering all the activities listed in the proposal
  • Shortlisted bidders will be asked to compile a slide deck for presentation to the SANEF Management team.
  • Date for submission: close of business, Friday 17 March 2023
  • Submit your tender(s) to SANEF Administrator Ms Dzudzie Netshisaulu email: [email protected]

Please note the decision of the SANEF Management Committee is final and no correspondence will be entered into with unsuccessful bidders.

Website: www.sanef.org.za

Twitter: @SAEditorsForum